Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Project Organization: Amanda's Office Area Re-Organization, Part 5

Well here we are, the last of my re-organization posts! I hope you have enjoyed them... I thought it was fun putting together this series!

I thought we'd end on the inside of my most used desk drawer. Its definitely not the most interesting part of this series, but when I look at the before and after pictures, it sure had a big impact! Here is the before for reference:

Twelve years of junk built up in this drawer, folks. I have been HORRIBLE about purging and keeping this drawer cleaned out. Which is funny, because it's a highly used part of my desk. So the main part of this re-organization was cleaning out. I won't bore you with those details. But the organizer that was in there was probably 25 years old, and I decided it was time for an up-grade to better organize this space. So I chose this (to match the rest of my desk, of course!):

ITEM NUMBER: ROL 22131 (pg 787 in new catalog)
What I like about this organizer: its a bit larger (wider) than my old one, so it takes up almost the whole drawer-- which makes it feel like it's part of the drawer, and I really like that. No sliding around.  Also, all the slots are larger than the old one so it really does hold more stuff (if you want it to, of course- I purged so it's much emptier than before!). I just think it's a better fit for me. Here is the after:

Better, huh?! Everything I need, nothing I don't. It's fabulous!

Well, that's my office space. I hope you have taken something away from it (even if it's just some of our cool products!)-- let me know if you have any questions!

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