Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Project Organization: Amanda's Office Area Re-Organization: Part 4

One thing I always struggle with is the placement of my computer monitor on my desk. It takes up a lot of room, and the angle at which I look at it is a constant work in progress to get perfect. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to change the placement of my monitor to make it better. And it never fails, a few weeks in and I'm frustrated again. And it's little things- the tilt of the screen, how close it is to me, how far away it is, etc. I finally decided that it needed to be a bit higher so that I could look up at it (just a bit, not enough that I was straining my neck. In the office furniture business, that's a big no-no!)... so up it went. Are you noticing a trend? VERTICAL SPACE. Can't say it enough.

Here is a before picture:

We actually had a pleasant looking black platform laying around, so I used that, but we have lots of different option when it comes to monitor risers in our catalog.

I also have struggled (and this is going to sound crazy) on where to put my cell phone during the day. I normally don't do a lot on my cell during the work day, BUT it is the main contact number that my children's school and care takers have, so I need to have it close by just in case. Also, our delivery drivers text me with questions, so that's another reason it needs to be out and accessible.  And it hit me- a business card holder for the desk is the PERFECT solution for a cell phone holder! Sure, we cell lots of desk organizers that have this feature, but most of them are larger than I needed or wanted. I wanted a small something to just set the phone in. So I got this:

ITEM NUMBER: ROL 22251ELD (pg 787 in new catalog)

And it's been perfect! Great multi-tasking item, Rolodex!

I also needed a good place for everyday necessitites-- paper clips, pens, post-its, etc. Before I had a very bulky desk organizer (you can see it just to the right of my monitor in the before picture) that didn't work great. But I decided to try this:

ITEM NUMBER: ROL 1746466 (pg 786 in new catalog)

What I love about this: it holds all I need and still makes it completely accessible! The one I had before was all closed in and not functional at all. This one has open sections for paper clips and what not, and a drawer that is perfect for the post-it notes I use daily. It's great and still stylish (very important! ha!)

Now I feel organized and in control of my desk, thanks to very small changes I made. I've said it once I'll say it again-- use that vertical space! It makes things so much better!!

Here is an after picture:

See what I mean?? Tons more room!

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